One Direction Paroles
Trouvez dans quelle chanson se trouvent ces paroles. C'est l'album Take me home.
podľa Emoi46
7 otázky
1. "Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun "
a Kiss you
b Live while we're young
c Forever young
2. "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth "
a Loved you first
b Take me Home
c Little things
3. " So we can start it all over again "
a Kiss you
b Over again
c Same mistakes
4. So, tell me girl if everytime we touch You get this kinda rush
a Kiss you
b Summer love
c Rock me
5. "Baby, you should know that I would"
a She's not afraid
b Heart attack
c I would
6. And oww you’re giving me a heart attack
a Heart attack
b I want
c Loved you first
7. "People say we shouldn’t be together"
a Back for you
b They don't know about us
c Rock me