General Culture Quiz
English quiz for Students
podľa Loryan Delsalle
10 otázky
1. What is the technique used by fraudsters to steal your personal information (credit card number, passwords, etc.) by posing as your bank via an email or a fake website ?
a The spamdexing
b The backdoor
c The phishing
2. What's an IP address ?
a A number that identifies each computer hardware (computer, router, printer) connected to a computer network
b The communication protocol used on the Internet
c The address of a website, starting with "http://"
3. In what unit is the frequency (number of cycles per second) of a microprocessor measured ?
a En Go (gigaoctet)
b En Ghz (gigahertz)
c En MIPS (million d’instructions par seconde)
4. What does the "Drag and Drop" action mean ?
a Drag/Drop
b Copy/paste
c Cut/drop
5. What does FTP mean ?
a File Transmission Protocol
b Fiber twisted pairs
c File Transfer Protocol
6. What's a CPU ?
a A graphic card
b A processor
c A hard disk
7. What is RAM (Random Access Memory) ?
a The RAM of a computer, which is lost when the power supply is switched off
b A computer’s ROM, which does not erase when the device is no longer powered
8. What is the name of the operating system developed by Google ?
a Chrome
b Chrome OS
c Chrobuntu
9. What is Hardware ?
a components, tower of the Pc, you can touch it
b Operating systems and applications, you can't touch it
10. You pass your exam and this is the last question; if the computer does not start, what is the first thing you do ?
a I’m taking it to a repairman
b I check/see if the computer is plugged in
c I throw it away and buy a new one