Europe union
Question in english for E.U (5kmk BN)
podľa BENA
6 otázky
1. What is the capital of Austria ?
a Eckbolsheim
b Rome
c Vienne
d Helsinki
2. What is the capital of France ?
a Marseille
b Strasbourg
c Lyon
d Paris
3. What is the capital of Italia ?
a Rome
b Venice
c Wolfisheim
d Tuscanny
4. What is the capital of Germany ?
a Berlin
b Bayerne
c Dortmunt
d Franckford
5. What is the capital of Malta ?
a Mulhouse
b Barcelon
c Lisbone
d Valette
6. What is the capital of Spain ?
a Bourgogne
b Madrid
c Porto
d Pastise